Young People's Allotment in Bristol
'Get Growing!' Allotment Project
Thanks to funding from Bristol City Council's Bristol Impact Fund, the Henry Smith Charity, Wessex Water and Quartet, we've been able to work with our young people to set up our very own allotment! They have transformed the land, from overgrown plants and brambles, to a thriving allotment with a rich variety of fruit, vegetables, flowers and special spaces set up for the wildlife. We've even got a shelter and a fire pit to keep everyone warm in the colder months, where everyone can relax for a cuppa after their hard work!
The project supports young people not yet ready to volunteer externally, and provides them with opportunities for learning, peer support, and the chance to complete an ASDAN Award in Volunteering. Previous participants have gone on to vocational training courses and paid employment, as well as other volunteering opportunities.
If you'd like to find out more about receiving support in Bristol, contact our head office and speak with our team, or ask to speak with Mel.

Allotment Gallery

Get Cooking!