Supporting Young People in Bristol and Dumfries & Galloway
We support young people in Bristol and Dumfries & Galloway through 1-1 support, coaching and helping them into volunteering placements in the local community.
If you are a young person and care-leaver or not in education, training or employment, or experiencing issues with your confidence, motivation or just don't know where to begin, we can help. We know it can be difficult to find your path, and we believe that everyone has something special to offer. We work with you for as long as it takes to help you find your passion and to help improve your life, to help you feel positive about your future, confidence and job prospects.
Bristol - Additional Support Available
In addition to our 1-1 support in Bristol, we offer support specifically for young people who have offended or who are at risk of offending. We also have an allotment in South Bristol, a safe space for all our young people in Bristol to connect, learn new skills, and have fun! For more information, click on the links below or get in touch to speak with our team.

Reducing Reoffending
Supporting Young People in Bristol

Bristol Young People's Allotment

Request Support
“There is no other service like Step Together Volunteering. The individual support you can offer to vulnerable young people and the care in putting them together with the right projects is critical”
Each young person referred to us receives ongoing support that is tailored to their own needs, for as long as they wish to consider and continue volunteering.
We work closely with local council leaving care teams, family projects, probation services, local charities, community groups and support groups, and larger charities.